Walmart Toyland! – Dialed Action Sports takes part in Bentonville’s kickoff to the holiday season

Walmart Toyland! features performances by Dialed Action Sports

For the the 10th consecutive year, Dialed Action Sports has been featured at Walmart Toyland! in Bentonville Arkansas.


Dialed Action Sports has completed a series of thrilling Mountain Bike Trials Performances as part of Walmart’s annual Toyland festivities. After a years-long run on the town’s historic central square, the event made an exciting return to its original venue; Walmart’s Home Office. Toyland, which is a family favorite throughout Northwest Arkansas, was attended by 20,000+. It is expected that next year’s event will be relocated once again, this time to Walmart’s new state of the art campus that has recently begun occupancy of it’s first phase.

Dialed Action’s performances were produced in partnership with Walmart suppliers Bell Helmets and Blackburn and featured MTB trials ace Coy White.


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