Anti-Bullying School Assembly Programs in PA.

Today the Dialed Action Sports Team will be in Indiana, PA. for an anti-bullying school assembly program with BMX riding. Today our BMX stunt team will perform 1 action-packed Flatland show with 2 riders and 1 announcer. Our charismatic announcer (John Saxton) will be relaying positive and inspirational messages about bullying and why it’s not “cool”. Our school assembly program will teach the kids how to recognize bullying, how to react to it and more importantly how to refuse bullying. We call this method the 3 R’s (Recognize, Refuse, React). It’s very important to make an impact on young kids lives, before they get older and begin to think that being a bully is ok. The Dialed Action Sports Teams BMX stunt shows takes great pride in our BMX school assemblies.For more information about our BMX stunt shows, please feel free to Contact Us.



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