Dialed Action Sports signs with Nassau County Summer Recreation through 2028

Dialed Action Sports signs 5 year contract to provide entertainment services for Nassau County Summer Recreation Program.

Following a months-long bid process, Dialed Action Sports has been selected to be part of Nassau County NY’s Summer Recreation Programs through 2028. This exciting partnership, coordinated by the Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation and Museums,  will feature Dialed Action BMX athletes displaying their incredible cycling abilities each Summer at Cantiague and Wantagh Parks. These dynamic events will inspire attending youth to embrace active outdoor play and foster a passion for excellence in their endeavors.

Dialed Action would like to thank The Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums as well as Nassau County Executive Bruce A. Blakeman who spearheads the summer program.

We look forward to excellent events this year, and well into the future!

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