South Park, PA. BMX Stunt Shows

The Dialed Action Sports Team returned to South Park, PA on May 13, 2014 to put on a BMX demonstration at the South Park Middle School. Students who sold the most candy for a fundraiser aimed at increasing funds for new technology were able to enjoy the assembly as a reward for their hard work. Kyle Biller, Brian Cunningham, and Ryan Davis put on a thrilling show filled with gravity defying stunts and displays of BMX talent. The show also incorporated important messages about bicycle safety, including bicycle maintenance, safety equipment, and the importance of proper form and movements in athletics to prevent injury. The small crowd of about 70 was full of energy and enthusiasm. After the show the team had the pleasure of spending some additional time with the top 15 sellers from South Park Middle School. After the Dialed crew signed and gave away posters we had a great discussion with the children about the importance of supporting your local community. We are very proud of those children for actively making their own world a better place and we hope they will continue to be great examples to their peers. Thank you South Park Middle School!!!!




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