Bicycle Stunt Shows in Kharagpur, India

Well, the time has come and gone now. Last night the Dialed Action Sports Team performed our first ever bicycle stunt shows in India. There was about 5 thousand people in the stands and they were pumped for our show. So, at 8:00pm we started our action-packed BMX stunt show with Kyle Biller, Keith Schmidt and Brian Cunningham. We ran through a normal show format but being that it was a special show, we brought out the even bigger and better tricks for the lovely crowds at the Shitij 2013 Technology Festival. We had Kyle running over…I mean jumping over a total of 7 victims…I mean volunteers. After that we stepped it up and asked for one more BRAVE soul to join us. So, who better to use then the promoteer of the event? haha So, we put him on the chair on top of the ramp and Keith and Brian jumped over and back flipped over him. The crowds loved that. We finished our shows with some back flip variations such as a back flip superman from Keith Schmidt. After the show we tried giving out flyers to the crowd but that was not the best idea as we got mobbed by people. So, we then had security around us to escort  us to a car to take us back to our hotel. After that was all said and done, we decided to roam around the streets to find something to do and we ended up meeting some local Kharagpur, India people and we all decided to start a camp fire along the side of the street (apparently that’s allowed here). So, we got a view drinks and built a fire and just relaxed the night away. We started getting a pretty good size crowd at our camp fire and everyone wanted a photo with us. It was an time at the camp fire and we even played Truth or Dare like we were in 5th grade haha. So, today (Sunday February 3, 2013) we have a sight seeing day before we leave. So, we had talked to some locals who said they may be able to bring us to the beach today which is 3 hours away. That would be an amazing way to close out this spectacular trip that we are on in India. Hopefully that pans out! Also, once we get back into the USA Kyle Biller will be making a great documentary video of our entire trip and everything. So, please be on the look out for that. Also, please view the photos from yesterday below.For more information about our BMX stunt team, please Contact Us.

India BMX Stunt Shows
India BMX Stunt Shows
Keith Schmidt on top of the world!
Keith Schmidt on top of the world!
Camp Fire!
Camp Fire!




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